Accelerate your growth with marketing powered by Fertu

Simplify your marketing operations with multi channel automation. Focus on acquisition and engagement, not building a stack. Grow your capabilities and extend your team without extending your budget.

marketing team accelerating time to launch
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Marketing professional conducting outreach in their office
marketing professional driving results on their phoneDecorative line

Our all-in-one platform makes analytics easy and insights plentiful

Even a team of one, can conduct outreach quickly and drive results efficiently.

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Be in market and reaching members within weeks

Fertu knows how to manage payer data seamlessly.

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No need for complex and disparate marketing stacks

Our integrated solution reaches members where it works for them - direct mail, phone, email, and SMS.

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New campaigns launch within two weeks of receiving data

Implementation time varies from about 4 – 8 weeks, but once a customer is live with Fertu, your campaign will launch quickly.

Be confident in your data security and guideline compliance

Simplify the technical due diligence by going to market with Fertu.

Fertu is HIPAA compliant and SOC II certified.

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marketing professional confident in data security on theri computer
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marketing professional meeting outreach requirements at theri desk

We know your brand guidelines and outreach requirements
are paramount

That’s why we built them as configurable features in our platform – not an action item marketers need to remember.

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Our telephonic and SMS outreach is TCPA compliant and email is CAN-SPAM compliant.

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Each member record has multiple failsafes to ensure that we do not outreach in excess of what is specified.

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All content that is used in the campaign is reviewed and approved by required